VETERANS CRISIS LINE: Call 988 and Press 1 or Text 838255


What We Do

Started in 2012, is a multifaceted Indiana based 501(c)(3) all volunteer non-profit organization. We have several major focus groups that are a part of the organization: Community, Motorcyclism, and Veterans. The organization doesn’t have paid staff, nor takes government grants. We are completely independent and have high standards of believing in quality help versus focusing on quantity.

Bikersinc has kept a Platinum Rating with Guidestar, the charity watch group; and is listed on and VA Insider as a top rated veterans nonprofit group. The organization is always open to sponsorship and business alliance opportunities from other community leaders who wish to have an impact.

Make a Donation

Funding Bikersinc helps support our many projects and programs. Please consider making your donation monthly as we work to assist as many as possible. Thank you.

Donor Letter

Use this form below to request a letter showing your donation.


If you would like to send a donation by mail, please use the information below:

1761 N. Sherman Dr. Suite F
Indianapolis, IN 46218

Platinum Transparency

A registered non-profit corporation that operates exclusively for educational & charitable purposes within Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code