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Look Twice - Save A Life

Look Twice - Save A Life

Bikers are often unfairly characterized as risky drivers, but they are not always at fault in vehicle crashes. Other drivers have a responsibility to avoid accidents, as well.

That’s why “Look Twice - Save A Life” is good advice for both bikers and car drivers. “Look Twice - Save A Life” means checking your blind spot, being aware of your surroundings, and using extra caution to help keep roads safe for motorcycle riders.

Safety Tips for Car Drivers

Car drivers share the responsibility to keep roads safe. If you are a vehicle driver, you can help ensure your motorcycle-riding neighbor arrives safely at their destination.

-Expect there to be bikers on the road. This is one of the most important things you can do. Treat bikers with respect; don’t crowd them.

-Stay alert. Resist the urge to drive on “auto-pilot” when you’re on a familiar route.

-Similarly, eliminate distractions. Whether it’s talking on the phone, changing music, eating, or trying to help children in your backseat, it’s all distracted driving.

-Avoid drifting, especially when making turns, and check your blind spots before changing lanes. A cursory glance in the mirror may not be enough to spot a motorcycle.

As you get behind the wheel, remember to look twice – you truly may save a life.

The ABC's of Motorcycle Safety

A – Always wear a helmet: Helmets protect your head in case of a crash.
B – Be visible: Wear bright clothing and use lights to make sure other drivers can see you.
C – Control your speed: Stay within the speed limit and ride at a safe speed for the conditions.
D – Don’t drink and ride: Alcohol impairs your ability to ride safely.
E – Educate yourself: Take a motorcycle safety course to learn how to ride properly.
F – Follow the rules of the road: Obey traffic laws and be aware of your surroundings.
G – Gear up: Wear protective gear like gloves, jackets, pants, and boots to reduce the risk of injury in a crash.
H – Have a maintenance routine: Keep your motorcycle in good condition by regularly checking tires, brakes, lights, and other essential parts.
I – Increase your skills: Practice riding in different conditions and environments to improve your abilities.
J – Join a riding group: Riding with others can provide support and help you learn from more experienced riders.
K – Keep your distance: Maintain a safe following distance from other vehicles to give yourself time to react to unexpected situations.
L – Look ahead: Always scan the road ahead and anticipate potential hazards.
M – Make yourself heard: Use your horn or signals to alert other drivers of your presence.
N – Never assume: Always assume that other drivers may not see you and be prepared to react accordingly.
O – Obey traffic signals: Respect traffic signals and signs to avoid accidents.
P – Plan your route: Know where you’re going and plan your route in advance to avoid getting lost or ending up in unfamiliar areas.
Q – Quick reflexes: Practice emergency maneuvers like swerving and braking to improve your ability to react quickly in dangerous situations.
R – Ride defensively: Be aware of potential hazards and be prepared to take evasive action if necessary.
S – Stay focused: Keep your attention on the road and avoid distractions like texting or talking on the phone while riding.
T – Take breaks: Long rides can be tiring, so take regular breaks to rest and rehydrate.
U – Use your mirrors: Check your mirrors frequently to stay aware of what’s happening behind you.
V – Visibility is key: Make sure your headlights, taillights, and turn signals are working properly so other drivers can see you.
W – Weather awareness: Be aware of weather conditions and adjust your riding accordingly.
X – X-tra caution at intersections: Intersections are where most accidents happen, so approach them with extra caution.
Y – Yield to safety: When in doubt, yield to other vehicles or pedestrians to avoid potential collisions.
Z – Zero tolerance for reckless behavior: Don’t take unnecessary risks or engage in reckless behavior while riding.

In Remembrance

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