VETERANS CRISIS LINE: Call 988 and Press 1 or Text 838255


Mission Statement

Bikersinc is an all volunteer organization that serves the local communities by providing information and education. Our organization also provides veterans support through mentorship, financial and benefits assistance and more.

Our Founding

In 2012 a Veteran with a passion for motorcycles and for helping other people, wanted to do more to help his fellow Veterans. As time went on a few friends stepped in to assist with program ideas and additional funding to kick-start it.

Funded solely by private donations, paper work was sent in and we received our 501(c)3 status in 2013 and Bikersinc became a reality and since the founder is from Indiana, it was decided to make this our home base for now.

After reading about how a few other Non-Profits operate, it was decided by the Board of Directors that individual donations go directly to the programs that donors specify with a separate funding source for building upkeep and other essentials. This way there are no hidden agendas where one might think they are donating for personal expenses.

As we grew it became apparent that just two basic programs were not enough so with us being the "square pegs in the round holes" kind of folks we naturally expanded. What you see on these pages is a huge work in progress because we believe that being a service to others and our community is forever evolving and we need to evolve with it.

In dealing with the general public we have come across folks that do not take us seriously because of our name, that most of our Staff ride motorcycles or even the way we dress. We’re a boots on the ground organization, always have and always will be.

Naming of our Organization

Not surprisingly we get asked this question frequently in our travels, but our name does stand for something.

Bikersinc is an acronym and stands for:

Bringing Information Knowledge Education & Rider Sodality for Indiana's Neighborhood Coalition

With that we want you to scroll through our pages, see what we are all about and just maybe you can see our vision, as we see it.

Our Legacy

Started as a Veterans organization in 2012, Bikersinc has seen phenomenal growth, as more people were interested in what we stand for and what we are doing.  We are not interested in the quantity of members but the quality of members. That is why we have a limit on membership.  

We are much more than a Veterans organization, despite it being one of our main focuses. Bikersinc is also deeply involved with the overall community, especially the motorcycling community. The organization has in recent years started a program called Riders Rescue, which is aimed at teaching vital first aid response for motorcyclists in Indiana. Look Twice Save A Life is the awareness portion that goes hand in hand with Riders Rescue.



A registered non-profit corporation that operates exclusively for educational & charitable purposes within Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code