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Motorcyclism | Preserving Motorcycle History

Motorcyclism Defined

Motorcyclism (n): The philosophy of devotion or adherence to motorcycles. The term is used when describing one’s devotion or interest in motorcycle history. Motorcyclism is a Bikersinc program which encompasses the extensive and storied history of motorcycles in the States and across the globe.

From the origins of racing to the colorful people who shaped the vehicle and its evolution through the years- to the roles the motorcycle has played in various industries and the wave of inspiration it has evoked in artists.

Mission Statement

To protect, preserve, share the history of motorcycles & bring greater understanding of the role that helped shape everyday life for generations


The dictionary defines Legacy as:

Anything handed down from the past, as from an ancestor or predecessor.

And with that powerful definition is where our Legacy now begins. The founders of Bikersinc understand Legacy, almost to a fault.

Legacy, that simple word with its powerful meaning is used way too much today. We are out to change that. In keeping true to our nature, we have embarked on a Journey of Legacy.


As a program of Bikersinc, Motorcyclism's information and assets are shared to the public free of charge. If you wish to support this program and keep it running for others to enjoy, please feel free to join Bikersinc. By joining the organization, you are also helping Motorcyclism continue its mission.

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A registered non-profit corporation that operates exclusively for educational & charitable purposes within Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code